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Nawar Shora is a renowned speaker and commentator on issues related to national security, civil rights, and immigration. Stay informed about his upcoming events and latest insights by following his videos, posts, and media. With his extensive experience and expertise, Nawar Shora is a trusted source of information and analysis on these critical topics. Join his community today to stay up to date and engaged.


"Too often people learn from experiences that do not represent the larger truth. Nawar's book -- and his life's work -- focuses on the type of understanding, compassion, and insight that transforms people, interactions, and outcomes. He provides a look at how misinterpretation, faulty assumptions, and simply not knowing the 'normal' can impact relations positively or negatively. A must-read for any leader representing, policing, or interacting with people of Arab descent… so, all of us."

--Kristina Tanasichuk, Executive Editor, Homeland Security Today; President, Women in Homeland Security.


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